jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014

White rhino

Congratulations Human Race! We just unlocked another achievement. Once again, we ended another animal. The white rhino specie is about to come to a sad end. 
Photo taken from Wikipedia.

Look at this beautiful animal, take another look, stay with the image, 'cause sadly this will be everything you see about this animal, don't waste your money on a Safari in Africa if you are looking forward to see one of these, there are only 4, yes 4, and trust me, why would the few companies that care about these animals would allow humans to be near them? I know I'm not being too optimistic about it but even this website http://wwf.panda.org/what_we_do/endangered_species/rhinoceros/african_rhinos/white_rhinoceros/ isn't too optimistic about it too. Because we can't expect and force 4 rhinos to repair the mistakes we've done with them and recover the specie. It isn't their job or their responsibility, but what we can certainly do is getting them to be far away from humans. It is time to reflect and do something about other species that are about to go in extinction. I don't want a world without animals, no one does, human sucks. So let's be the generation that cares about animals, the environment, everything. It's XXI century and it is about time to fix everything. Let's make this specie the last one and not one of many to come.

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