martes, 1 de abril de 2014

Economic Hit Man, Race, and Food INC.

Over the last three weeks, my social studies class has taken a new change in what we were used to. What we did in these past weeks is analyzing and learning about three things:

  1. Economic Hit Man - The dark hidden secrets about the US government that we don't know.
  2. Race - Is it biological? Are there any privileges? What is race?
  3. Food INC - US disgusting food system, better grow your own food, man. 
Photo taken from
Photo taken from
Photo taken from

But I am not writing this post to explain about each of them exactly, but to relate them into one word: POWER.

These three things, these three documental, show us how powerful these are. Well, that's what we all agreed on our class, but to me, race isn't something now. We are in the XXI century and race now doesn't have anything related to power because now days the race doesn't define anything. A black men can do the same thing as a white men. So for now I'll just focus on Food INC and Economic Hit Man which to me are the things to focus and these really are the issues that are controlling a huge country as the US. 

Food INC shows how the industry of food is controlling the whole nation, how every meat consumed is the same in McDonalds as in the market. How the food is so modified it kills children because of the antibiotics and all the things the animals have inside thanks to these disgusting system. So for example the cows. Natural cows are the ones in open spaces, that drink water, eat grass and grow fat in a normal amount of time. But US industries can't handle this, they want faster production so in order to do so, they got into some sad methods which appears the difference between a US cow and a Colombian cow (natural cow). The cows in US are raised through corn, corn and nothing but corn. They are in close spaces where they can't move and there has been a point where these cows go so fat they can't even go for a walk and they die because of the fatigue. That food is so intoxicated that in the documental there is a story of a healthy little kid who died for eating this food, this kid died slowly and in pain for a few days, at the end of his days he had to drink water through a sponge. All because the food is made out of a bacteria that killed him. Check this picture also: 

Photo taken from

What have they done to the chicken? This doesn't look tasty and God knows what is the right chicken made of on the inside. But the people in the US doesn't know about this. And in the US there's something so weird I have never seen in Colombia in my life. For the people it is more cheaper to buy 5 hamburgers to feed their family than to buy vegetables, so there is a problem there too that allows these industries to gain power since it is more accesible for people to get to their nasty food than to actually access healthy food.

Also is the power of Economic Hit Man, which is the theoretical empire that the US has. For this I will tell you everything I learned from the book to see how can this be related to power. In my last post I posted what the US did in the nations that didn't follow their interests. But in this post is all about the amazing waste of money that the US uses in this just to gain power, to kill whoever they have to, to control whatever they have to. According to John Perks, half the money the US uses in the Iraq war is what the UN estimated to be the enough money to feed and educate the whole world population. The waste of potential here is so amazing, and all of this is just because the US wants to control the whole world just to benefit their country. And because of this is that we actually recognize that the US has a lot of power and only the suicidal ones dare to mess with them so at the end this US government finish controlling that country too. 

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