domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

Lemon Tree

Lemon Tree, I really loved the movie, before watching it when I thought Salma Zidane (the main character) was a relative to Zinedine Zidane, and after watching it when I learned about the struggle Salma did against the Israeli, which taught me how is the relation between Palestinians and Israel.

Short Synopsis of the movie:

Salma Zidane (a palestinian women) has a grove full of precious lemon trees that she inherited from her father. But things got bad when the Israel's Prime Minister became her neighbor. Now her grove is a thread for the security of the Prime Minister and she is condemned to lose her grove by an Israel militar order. Now she will take this case to the Supreme Court to protect her plants!

But she didn't got her lemon trees they way she wanted them. Salma got to stay with her grove but Salma's trees were forced to be cut.  This taught me how Israel is handling unfairly Palestinian issues and doesn't give a damn about them. Also learned about how repressed is a woman in Israel in contrast to a woman in US.  It will be so good if one day this excessive and extreme hate and madness would be over and people can start living in peace and tolerance. But I think this won't happen until powerful countries don't do something about the education in the middle east.

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