domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014

Oh na, na, What's my race?

Oh, na, na, What's my race? What's my race?


What is my race? Men... I live in Colombia, where we have three main races, the white who are descendants from the Europeans, the native who are just simply the natives or "indigenas" as we call them, which by the way I say it in spanish because in english will be Indians and that's the same as the people from India (way to go Cristobal Colon), and the black people who are descendants from the Africans. As we all know, the consequences of coexistence in nature as in cities may lead to a mix, and that produces new races or species. And that's the case with Colombia, there was mixing between all the races and the results were:

  • Mestizo (White-Native)
  • Mulattoes (White-Black)
  • Zambo (Black-Native)
My race is none of these, but at first I thought I was Mestizo, but based on Google images these are brown skin and black hair. My skin is white, if you asked me what type of white I would tell you that my skin is similar to Xabi Alonso's. 
photo taken from

I mean that type of white that when you go to tan, you actually get like gold, not pink. So I guess that's makes me caucasian. I'm a white boy, with brown hair and brown eyes. Like the majority of the Spanish people, so then I would just simply say, I'm white, does that matter? No, we are all human race and that's the only thing that matters. 

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