domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

Current Issue 09/03/2014

"EXTRA! EXTRA! Russia in Ukraine! US will interfere? World War III? EXTRA! EXTRA!"

Oh my God. Wasn't enough for these two to destroy the nazis, and spent the rest of the 20th century in a cold war? I thought history was taught for people to learn about it and prevent the future from making the same mistakes that were done in the past.

Photo taken from Radio Nicaragua

But, it seems this guy above skipped his world history classes and he is here to repeat the same mistakes, will Obama add "the straw that broke the camel's back"?

So let's remember what was going in Ukraine in order to understand today. Ukraine citizens didn't like the way Yanukovych was leading the country and they made a coup d'État. The Parliament finally agreed with its people and they dismissed Yanukovych from the power and this chicken flew from the country and now nobody knows where is he. So Ukraine finds himself rearranging everything.

Now the powerful Russia saw a neighbor country without a president, without a solid government, and they decided to moved all their Russian troops to Crimea, an Ukrainian region with the excuse of protecting their base in Sebastopol. But this is actually a thread for Ukraine and has awoken US alarms and democratic interests. The tension here is that Crimea is located in the south of Ukraine, and although Crimea is from Ukraine, 58% of their civilians are Russians. The thread here is that the presence of Russia militarism in a country that doesn't have a government so they may invade it, and USA doesn't want that to happen, they want Ukraine to re establish themselves in the way they want with some assist from them, because obviously Ukraine after re establishing themselves they will opt to westernize themselves. 

Let's just hope Russia doesn't move a finger here and we can avoid a WWIII. LET UKRAINE ALONE, Mr. PUTIN!

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