sábado, 26 de abril de 2014

Four Horsemen

Four Horsemen - The end of an empire.
Photo taken from historyunleashedgroupfour.blogspot.com

Four Horsemen is sort of a documentary I saw this week at my Social Studies class, which is about a suggestion that the developers of this documental suggest to our economy. In the documental they identify the main factors that follows all empires in their cycles. So what the documental is trying to teach is that the US Empire will fall down. But my post here is, will that fallen empire affect directly or indirectly my life here in Colombia?

Before I move on to answer the question I would like to point out what were the factors I learned in class, so first is the luxury, then the years of decay, the huge gap between the poor and the rich which means he economic inequality, and lastly, which I would think could be a major point, is the huge militarism spending. These things have been identified in previous fallen empires like the roman empire. The thing is that we are the evolved human from the 21st century and we have learned a lot about history, we are smarter, and we can still prevent the fall if it is done what it needs to be done. 

Well my answer is yes. The world now days goes around US interest, militarism, etc. All you favorite shows, your favorite people to admire, your way of living, your tv's, your smartphone's, everything that makes your life so comfortable no matter where do you live comes from the US. Also, there are a lot of US companies around the world that produces a lot of jobs in the countries where they intervene, although the biggest companies may not depend that much on the fall of US since they are sort of independent already from the US, but the majority isn't. So, maybe this issue shouldn't just be something for the americans to only worry about but maybe for the world, because if this happens the next empire could be from a communism country and that, to me, means no freedom. I really love my life, my stuff, everything, and you also love yourself and all the things you have and would love to have, but without the US empire, all of those things, bye. 

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