lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014


Life is a journey, a teacher, and the hardest test. Life comes in tears, time, fight, joy, and ups and downs. Life is for every living thing, but the real sentence for life is that life shouldn’t be anything but your dream. I am Carlos Andrés Suárez Álvarez; a son, a friend, a student, a life soldier, a lover, and my own future, I am future. I am not different than the others; I came to this life to learn, to mistake, to correct, to do things the right way or the wrong way, the way they are supposed to be done.  This is a manifesto I’m writing for myself. To learn through reflection, what have I learned so far in my 18-year-old life?
For a short time of life everything that has shaped me has been taught to me has been outside all those classrooms, ‘cause honestly none of my teachers have taught me life lessons but life itself. I’ve been a football lover since 12 thanks to my first teacher, my grandpa. Football has been the greatest thing that have entered to my life, football gave me friends, passion, moments of desperation, sadness, glory, tears, deception, and those will the things I will never change, because this what I learned from football. In life as in football not always the best wins, but what makes you the best is not your performance in the field but your courage to be able to stand back and work hard on your goal everyday. Not all the things life go the right way no matter how hard you have worked for it, but that it is just a test football and life put in your way to see if you really want to accomplish your goal, because you are always gonna have the opportunity for a rematch, and the only way for that is to work so hard to make your own way into that rematch. When you get into the world you must pick a team you will promise to stand all your life, I think that's one of the few things you have in life to choose and it is something you don't often get to see in your life, and once you pick your team you will start knowing what is living football, because I honestly don't think that don't having a team and love football is like kissing your sister, you are kissing someone but c'mon, not your sister, you see what I'm getting to. So this loyalty you have to your team -team in football is the same thing as family in life, teaches you things like standing for your team no matter how hard ththing get, it teaches you to share the same pain with your team, to pursuit your dreams and others dreams, it teaches you about teamwork, that you are not alone and sometimes you won't make it on your own no matter how good or strong you are to stand. All the discussions you have to defend your team are dangerous, sometimes they will lead you to ignorance, but everything that has cons must have pros too and that is that these discussions also help you to be more open minded. Football's classroom is the field, that is my principal classroom, and this classroom is everywhere in the world, you only need a ball and that's it. In that classroom I learned to control my emotions, I learned to let things go and keep running, is like if somehow everytime I ran with the ball we both were living the world behind to escape into our own world where the girls, the reputations, and all those stupid stuff that society makes us believe is importat didn't matter anymore. The only thing you want is the glory no matter how insignificant that match can be. To end with the football part of me is the most important lesson football gives you, enjoy it and never stop loving it. Football is the world's language, the beautiful game, the closest thing to life, football is the only universal sport, you only need a ball, two objects to make the goal, and play with anyone you wish no matter who they are. Play fair and beautiful, because football as in life have become a business, everything has become money, dives, fame, commercials, boots, women, sport magazines, players do not play like the old brazilians did, for the love of the game,  teams are starting to play ultra defensively without daring to make awese plays, sacrifice themselves, risk everything and not playing with the ball. These teams only play it sure and comfortable because they are scared and that ain't football, that aint life. I once heard don't remember from who, that life starts the day conformity ends. 
Besides from learning it all in a field I also learned a lot of stuff through love, family, and friends. I also learned a few stuff in my school but nothing remarkable, just numbers, and essays. But besides for what I have learned in the past, it all has shaped me to have a vision of my future me. Where do I want to go, what I want to do, where do I see myself, and how am I gonna end there. More than being a billionare, having a nice house, a nice family, help Colombia, and be someone in life; I want to know the world, I want to know who I am, I want to eat the world, read books, be enlightened, be smart, I want to acquire things or experiences that money can't buy. I want to create or leave a legacy that change the world. I know who to do that. If you want to change the world, first change your world. Make your world be the world you want to see, teach the kids your world, and they'll spread your world. To know who you are I first challenge you to spend a time on your own, make your life the less technological possible. Our generation is the most techonological one so it is impossible to ask us to leave techonology because our success comes from it, but the key word is success, achieving success is a difficult task that requires guts, determination, ambition, and patience. With these characteristics there is nothing I can't do, absolutely nothing. Because the human mind at its perfection is the key for everything, but to take the mind at that level you need to find the way to work it out and that's what I want to find out in life. How can I have a estable mind? More than getting material staff and have a comfortable life I also want to be enlightened I want to be super smart, I want to be able to leave a legacy and my kids and in the people, I want to be inspiring for others. 

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