domingo, 23 de febrero de 2014


Ukraine is facing one of the most terrible times that has happened in Ukraine's history! Wait... What do you mean you dont know what I am talking about? YOU DONT KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING IN UKRAINE?! Well... You have come to the right blog, my friend. Let it tell you what's going on.

Ukraine: A beautiful country located in the south east of Europe, surrounded by Belarus, Poland, the Black Sea, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, and last but not least, (this is important for you to remember in order to get to the Ukraine's crisis) Russia.

Photo taken from the South East Asia Weekly
Kiev, Independence Square

Photo taken from Ria Novosti
Kiev, Independence Square.

Shocked? Speechless? The question to answer is, What is the conflict in Ukraine?

Conflict: NOUN
Pronunciation: /ˈkänˌflikt
  • 1a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one:the eternal conflict between the sexesdoctors often come into conflict with politicians
  • The conflict or disagreement here is between the people and its government, to be more specific Viktor Yanukovych.
     Photo taken from the offical Ukraine presidency website.
  • The disagreement comes from the action done by this man. Thing is that Ukraine, since is geographically located between the eastern culture of Europe and Russia, has been looking forward to orientiate the country into one of these sides. Since the country works under a democracy, the majority wanted the nation to go into the Eastern, which means getting more involved into the UE, but the president was doing all the contrary to what the people wanted. The government instead, was signing agreements with Putin's government because they are the main productors of Ukraine's gas, and was getting disinvolved into the UE by refutting a comercial agreement, Russia in appreciation for Ukraine's loyalty has give the nation a lot of funds that has helped the nation to recover from the economic crisis. But people do not like Ukraine being so involved to Russia and they much rather have their country to be more involved into the UE beacause they are afraid that joining the west will surely break their fundamental rights.
So thats when the people decided to go to the Independence Square and pacifically protested. But the government instead of listening to the opposition, they ordered the police to evacuate inmediately the place in violent ways, and as we know violence leads to more violence. And so the people, angry with their government actions to control the situation, decided to counter attack, and so the "civil war" started. I putted civil war in quotation marks because according to many experts, it isn't yet a civil war but it is in the edge of becoming one. 

That, my blogger-friend, is what's going on in Ukraine. Latest news inform that President Yanukovych disappeared from Ukraine, no one knows where he is now, and the parliament has agreed to dismiss Yanukovych from his position. Stick to the news, go ahead! Stay tuned to know how the plot in Ukraine is going on.

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